Who We Are

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose. - Romans 8:28

Katie McGrew
In 2004 God started working in two lives a world apart. Katie McGrew went on her first mission trip to the nearby Swinomish Indian Reservation in LaConner, Washington. As she interacted with kids from her youth group and the reservation, she realized hearts and lives are changed forever when you leave what is normal and love the poor and broken hearted.

Larrys Mendoza Cruz
Also in 2004, Larrys Mendoza traveled an hour from his home in Managua, Nicaragua to help restore homes and lives that had been destroyed in Hurricane Mitch (in 1998). His life was changed forever as he saw the impact of being with those that had been forgotten and sharing that there is always hope. As he spoke to them, God spoke to him, which therefore set Larrys' path on serving God and God alone.